How to protect garments from moths naturally


Since spring has finally arrived in most locations and woolen winter garments are due to be put in storage, today’s blog post will be about how to protect sweaters and garments from moths naturally, without any toxic products.

A key rule is to wash all your pullovers and woolen items before you put them into storage since moths love the odour of sweat or scents like perfume, etc. When you suspect that moths have already been in your garments and laid their eggs there, a good way to prevent them being eaten by the larvae is to hang them out into the sunlight and fresh air for a few days, as the eggs of moths cannot survive in bright sunlight. Another method is to put your garment first in a bag and then to put the bag into the freezer for a few days.

To prevent any moths even nearing your woolen garments, a good way is put pieces of cedar wood among your clothes (or a bag of cedar shavings, available as pet supplies in some locations) since moths hate its natural scent. Alternatively, you can use essential cedar oil, lavender oil or peppermint oil and put a few drops on pieces of wood (or something similar like potpourri pieces) and put them among your sweaters and other woolen items.

These natural, entirely non-toxic scents ought to keep your garments safe for next winter 🙂 .